Exodus 1: The Israelites multiply in Egypt and are enslaved; Pharaoh orders the killing of Hebrew baby boys. 

Exodus 2: Moses is born, raised by Pharaoh’s daughter, and flees to Midian after killing an Egyptian. 

Exodus 3: God speaks to Moses from the burning bush, instructing him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. 

Exodus 4: Moses and Aaron confront Pharaoh, and God promises to show His power. 

Exodus 5: The first plague: The Nile is turned to blood. 

Exodus 6: The second plague: Frogs cover Egypt; Pharaoh briefly relents but then hardens his heart. 

Exodus 7: The third and fourth plagues: Gnats and flies infest Egypt. 

Exodus 8: The fifth and sixth plagues: The livestock die and boils afflict the Egyptians. 

Exodus 9: The seventh plague: Hail destroys crops and livestock in Egypt, but the Israelites are spared. 

Exodus 10: The eighth and ninth plagues: Locusts consume the land, and darkness covers Egypt for three days. 

Exodus 11: The final plague announced: The death of the firstborn; God establishes the Passover. 

Exodus 12: The Passover occurs, the firstborn of Egypt die, and Pharaoh finally lets the Israelites go. 

Exodus 13: The Israelites leave Egypt, and God leads them with a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. 

Exodus 14: The Israelites cross the Red Sea as God parts the waters, and Pharaoh’s army is drowned. 

Exodus 15: Moses and the Israelites sing a song of deliverance; bitter water is made sweet at Marah. 

Exodus 16: God provides manna and quail to feed the Israelites in the wilderness. 

Exodus 17: The Israelites complain about lack of water, and Moses strikes a rock at Horeb to provide it. 

Exodus 18: Jethro, Moses‘ father-in-law, advises him to appoint judges to help lead the people. 

Exodus 19: The Israelites camp at Mount Sinai, and God makes a covenant with them. 

Exodus 20: God gives the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. 

Exodus 21: Laws concerning altars, servants, and personal injury are given to Moses. 

Exodus 22: Further laws about restitution, social justice, and Sabbath observance are provided. 

Exodus 23: Instructions are given regarding justice, the Sabbath, and annual festivals. 

Exodus 24: God promises to send an angel to guide Israel and drive out their enemies. 

Exodus 25: Moses, Aaron, and the elders see God, and Moses receives the stone tablets. 

Exodus 26: God gives detailed instructions for building the tabernacle. 

Exodus 27: Instructions are provided for making the ark, table, and lampstand. 

Exodus 28: The design for the tabernacle, including curtains and frames, is detailed. 

Exodus 29: Instructions for the altar of burnt offering, the courtyard, and oil for the lampstand. 

Exodus 30: God gives instructions for consecrating the priests, Aaron and his sons. 

Exodus 31: The altar of incense, atonement money, and anointing oil are described. 

Exodus 32: Bezalel and Oholiab are appointed to oversee the construction of the tabernacle. 

Exodus 33: The Israelites worship the golden calf, and Moses intercedes for them. 

Exodus 34: God commands Moses to lead the people, and Moses asks to see God’s glory. 

Exodus 35: Moses makes new tablets, and God renews His covenant with Israel. 

Exodus 36: Moses‘ face shines after speaking with God; offerings are requested for the tabernacle. 

Exodus 37: Bezalel and Oholiab lead the construction of the tabernacle as the people give offerings. 

Exodus 38: The tabernacle, its furnishings, and the priestly garments are completed. 

Exodus 39: The priests’ garments are made, and the tabernacle is completed. 

Exodus 40: Moses sets up the tabernacle, and God’s glory fills it.