Genesis 1: God creates the heavens, the earth, and all living things in six days and rests on the seventh. 

Genesis 2: The detailed story of the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. 

Genesis 3: The fall of humanity as Adam and Eve disobey God and eat from the forbidden tree. 

Genesis 4: Cain kills Abel, and God punishes Cain; the line of Cain and the birth of Seth are recorded. 

Genesis 5: A genealogy of Adam to Noah, showing the long treasuresofthedragon of early humanity. 

Genesis 6: Wickedness fills the earth, and God instructs Noah to build an ark to save his family and animals from the coming flood. 

Genesis 7: The floodwaters cover the earth, and Noah, his family, and the animals are saved in the ark. 

Genesis 8: The flood subsides, and Noah and his family leave the ark to repopulate the earth. 

Genesis 9: God establishes a covenant with Noah and all living creatures, promising never to flood the earth again. 

Genesis 10: A record of the descendants of Noah‘s sons and the nations that arose from them. 

Genesis 11: The Tower of Babel leads to the scattering of people, and the genealogy from Shem to Abram is recorded. 

Genesis 12: God calls Abram, promising to make him a great nation, and Abram travels to Canaan. 

Genesis 13: Abram and Lot separate to avoid conflict, and God promises Abram all the land he can see. 

Genesis 14: Abram rescues Lot from captivity and is blessed by Melchizedek, the king of Salem. 

Genesis 15: God makes a covenant with Abram, promising numerous descendants and the land of Canaan. 

Genesis 16: Sarai gives Hagar to Abram, resulting in the birth of Ishmael. 

Genesis 17: God establishes the covenant of circumcision with Abram, renaming him Abraham and Sarai as Sarah. 

Genesis 18: Three visitors tell Abraham that Sarah will have a son, and Abraham pleads for Sodom. 

Genesis 19: God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah, but Lot and his daughters are saved. 

Genesis 20: Abraham deceives Abimelech about Sarah, claiming she is his sister. 

Genesis 21: Isaac is born to Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael are sent away, and God provides for them. 

Genesis 22: Abraham demonstrates his faith by preparing to sacrifice Isaac, but God provides a ram. 

Genesis 23: Sarah dies, and Abraham purchases the cave of Machpelah as a burial site. 

Genesis 24: Abraham‘s servant finds Rebekah, who becomes Isaac’s wife. 

Genesis 25: Abraham dies, Isaac has two sons, Esau and Jacob, and Esau sells his birthright to Jacob. 

Genesis 26: Isaac prospers in Gerar and makes a covenant with Abimelech. 

Genesis 27: Jacob deceives Isaac and receives Esau’s blessing. 

Genesis 28: Jacob dreams of a ladder reaching to heaven, and God reaffirms His promise. 

Genesis 29: Jacob meets Rachel, works for Laban, and is deceived into marrying Leah first. 

Genesis 30: Jacob‘s family grows, and he becomes prosperous while working for Laban. 

Genesis 31: Jacob flees from Laban, and they make a covenant of peace. 

Genesis 32: Jacob prepares to meet Esau and wrestles with God, receiving the name Israel. 

Genesis 33: Jacob meets Esau, and they reconcile. 

Genesis 34: Dinah is defiled by Shechem, and her brothers take revenge on the city. 

Genesis 35: Jacob returns to Bethel, and God reaffirms His covenant; Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin. 

Genesis 36: The genealogy of Esau and the chiefs of Edom. 

Genesis 37: Joseph is favored by Jacob, has dreams of greatness, and is sold into slavery by his brothers. 

Genesis 38: Judah and Tamar’s story, resulting in the birth of Perez and Zerah. 

Genesis 39: Joseph prospers in Potiphar’s house but is imprisoned after being falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife. 

Genesis 40: Joseph interprets the dreams of Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker while in prison. 

Genesis 41: Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams and is made ruler of Egypt to prepare for the coming famine. 

Genesis 42: Joseph‘s brothers go to Egypt to buy grain, and Joseph tests them. 

Genesis 43: The brothers return to Egypt with Benjamin, and Joseph prepares a feast for them. 

Genesis 44: Joseph tests his brothers by placing his cup in Benjamin’s sack. 

Genesis 45: Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers and invites Jacob‘s family to Egypt. 

Genesis 46: Jacob and his family move to Egypt, and God reassures Jacob. 

Genesis 47: Joseph settles his family in Goshen, and the Egyptians sell their land to Pharaoh during the famine. 

Genesis 48: Jacob blesses Joseph‘s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. 

Genesis 49: Jacob blesses his twelve sons and gives prophecies about their descendants. 

Genesis 50: Jacob dies and is buried in Canaan, and Joseph reassures his brothers of his forgiveness before he dies.