Leviticus 1: Instructions for burnt offerings given to the Israelites.
Leviticus 2: Laws for grain offerings, including different types and portions for priests.
Leviticus 3: Laws for fellowship offerings, specifying what is to be offered and how.
Leviticus 4: Instructions for sin offerings for unintentional sins by priests, leaders, and individuals.
Leviticus 5: Regulations for guilt offerings and the need for restitution.
Leviticus 6: Additional instructions for burnt, grain, and sin offerings, emphasizing priestly duties.
Leviticus 7: The law of the guilt offering and instructions for peace offerings, including the prohibition of eating fat and blood.
Leviticus 8: The ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests.
Leviticus 9: Aaron and his sons begin their ministry, and God’s glory appears to the people.
Leviticus 10: Nadab and Abihu offer unauthorized fire and are consumed; laws for priests are emphasized.
Leviticus 11: Laws regarding clean and unclean animals, including what may and may not be eaten.
Leviticus 12: Purification after childbirth and the required offerings.
Leviticus 13: Instructions for diagnosing and dealing with skin diseases and mold.
Leviticus 14: Rituals for cleansing those healed of skin diseases and purifying contaminated houses.
Leviticus 15: Regulations concerning bodily discharges and uncleanness.
Leviticus 16: The Day of Atonement is established as an annual day for cleansing the sins of Israel.
Leviticus 17: Laws concerning the proper place for sacrifices and prohibitions against eating blood.
Leviticus 18: Moral laws against incest, idolatry, and other sinful practices.
Leviticus 19: Various laws for holy living, including respect for parents, Sabbaths, and love for neighbors.
Leviticus 20: Punishments for child sacrifice, occult practices, and various sexual sins.
Leviticus 21: Rules for priests regarding holiness, offerings, and avoiding defilement.
Leviticus 22: Regulations concerning priests, offerings, and acceptable sacrifices.
Leviticus 23: The appointed feasts of the Lord, including the Sabbath, Passover, and Day of Atonement.
Leviticus 24: Instructions for the lampstand and bread, and the penalty for blasphemy.
Leviticus 25: The Sabbath year and the Year of Jubilee are established, with provisions for the poor.
Leviticus 26: Blessings for obedience and punishments for disobedience are laid out.
Leviticus 27: Rules concerning vows, dedicating persons and property, and tithes.